Hi! I'm Nick Ivanenko

Direct Response Marketer

**You can also see the name Mykyta—it's a Ukrainian version of my name.

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I write about marketing, sales, and revenue operations for B2B high-ticket offers (exclusively about what works NOW…!)

Why Can You Trust Me?

I'm currently building an 8-figure marketing agency (https://thoughtled.com).

That's why I share everything I learn and implement along my journey.

Why will it be valuable for you?

  1. I am not another guru on the internet who has never achieved anything and shares surface-level, theoretical knowledge about building a business that doesn't work in the real world.

  2. I am also not one of those people who achieved great business results 5+ years ago and now teach others to replicate outdated methods that no longer produce results (I've experienced this type of "coach" myself…).

What sets me apart?

I am actively running a business…

Which means I share exclusively what works NOW…

And it will always be this way as long as I stay in business.

What's more?

I am not alone in my business journey…

I am a member of:

If you check their websites, you'll see that both communities are full of businesses with remarkable achievements.

The best part?

I have 24/7 access to them.

But there's more…

The coaches and consultants in these programs are active businesspeople, too.

They run their own agencies and share what works NOW as well.

One more thing…

I have 3 coaches who have significantly impacted my business journey:

  1. Daniel Fazio

In December 2024 alone, Daniel generated $1,001,168 across his B2B Done-For-You, Done-With-You, and SaaS offers.

Why does he play a crucial role in my business journey?

He helped me clarify the direction of my business when I was stuck.

Now I know what type of business I'm building—a direct response marketing agency—and exactly what I must do to grow it to 7+ figures.

Every time I speak with him, watch his YouTube videos, or read his Tweets, I learn soooo much new about business.

These are the nuances only 8+ figure entrepreneurs can share, thanks to their colossal experience.

  1. Nick Verge

Nick is a direct-response marketer who has generated $40M+ for his clients.

Check out his portfolio here: https://www.nickverge.com

He currently focuses on Done-For-You VSL production: https://www.sellthroughvideo.com.

Why does he play a crucial role in my business journey?

He helped me package my agency's current offer and write the VSL script about it.

You can watch the VSL here: https://thoughtled.com.

What's more?

I've learned (and continue to learn!) so much from him about the world of direct-response marketing.

  1. Jordan Ross

Back in the day, Jordan managed 2500+ employees at Amazon and took all that knowledge to launch 8-Figure Agency.

Over the last 5+ years, he has become the leading expert on agency operations.

He has worked with 800+ companies to streamline their operations and let their founders either exit their day-to-day work entirely or do it only for a few hours per week.

That's exactly what I am working toward in my agency as well.

And so I implement everything Jordan and his team of consultants recommend…


Thanks to all these people (especially Daniel Fazio, Nick Verge, and Jordan Ross!), I'm confident I'll build an 8-figure marketing agency.

It’s just a matter of time and execution…

Want To Join My Journey And Build A 7+ Figure Business Together?

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I write about marketing, sales, and revenue operations for B2B high-ticket offers (exclusively about what works NOW…!)

Or Let's Chat…

Shoot me a Twitter DM or send me an email: nick@nickivanenko.com

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